SCBA COVID-19 Update


The Governor has recently announced the Bridge to Phase 5 plan. As you can see the Bridge phase would greatly expand our ability to conduct both indoor and outdoor events. It appears that we are not far off from entering this Bridge phase. 70% of those over 65 must receive the first dose before entering this intermediate phase and, according to the Governor, we are at 58% now. Starting April 12, all Illinoisans age 16 and up will be eligible to obtain a vaccine.

In Sangamon County, IDPH reports 36,828 person are fully vaccinated, making up 18.85% of the population. On Sunday I happily joined this group in receiving the second Pfizer shot and I encourage all members to get vaccinated when they are able. Additionally, please continue to socially distance, wear masks, and wash your hands. The light is visible at the end of the tunnel and we will be working to return to normal and schedule events over the next several months. With the expansion of outdoor events, we are hopeful to have an outdoor Smoker in May/June and have our Play Day dinner on July 30. I hope to see as many of you at those events as are possible. As always, if there are any concerns or questions, please reach out.

Bill Davis
SCBA President

Sarah Croft