SCBA & Our Family Wizard CLE on Domestic Violence & Co-Parenting - 10/5
Sangamon County Bar Association will be co-sponsoring a CLE on Domestic Violence and Co-Parenting with Our Family Wizard on Tuesday October 5 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Please register with Shirley Wilgenbusch at with your name and ARDC# You will also need to reserve your spot with the Our Family Wizard to receive your participation link to the program.
Domestic Violence and Co-Parenting
Child-Centered Strategies for Navigating Difficult Circumstances
WHEN: October 5th at 1PM ET / 10AM PT
WHAT: A free presentation and panel discussion focused on child-centered strategies for navigating co-parenting if a history of domestic violence exists between parents. Attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance they can use to apply for local CLE.
Domestic Violence and Co-Parenting
Child-Centered Strategies for Navigating Difficult Circumstances
When children are involved, divorce or separation isn't a one-and-done proposition; co-parents need to continue to work together to support their child or children. While this is not always easy, it's particularly challenging when the relationship between co-parents involves a history of domestic violence. This panel discussion will delve into how family law professionals can help co-parents navigate raising their children in these difficult situations.
Honorable Maritza Martinez
Dr. April Harris-Britt
Attorney Carrie Holmes
Steven Bradley