ISBA Real Estate Law Section Council - Real Property Newsletter
Dear ISBA Affiliated Bar Association Leader:
We are the co-editors of the Real Property newsletter published by the Illinois State Bar Association’s Real Estate Law Section Council. We presume that some of your members are also members of our Section. It would be greatly appreciated if you could present this request to your members, asking them to consider submitting articles for our monthly newsletter. Our goal is to reach the interests of members throughout the entire state, if possible, from Zion to Cairo, and Paris to Galena. Topics of these articles can range from A to Z, agriculture to zoning, and everything in between. Your members can feel free to reach out to either one or both of us to discuss any ideas or suggestions that they have for articles that they think might be of interest to Illinois real estate attorneys. The additional insight and guidance from your membership would be invaluable to the Illinois State Bar Association's Section on Real Estate Law.
Warm regards, Michael J. Maslanka and Nicolette Sonntag
Michael J. Maslanka
Attorney at Law
Sacks, Goreczny, Maslanka & Costello, P.C.
79 W. Monroe St.
Suite 912
Chicago, IL 60603
312 641 2424
Fax 312 641 1054